Source code for gdpyc.core

Gas and Dust Python Calculator

A python module for estimating extinction,
reddening and Hydrogen column densities.
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Galactic
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, join
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy_healpix import HEALPix, nside_to_pixel_area
from regions import PixCoord

[docs]class Map(object): """ A class with common methods for HEALpix maps. """ _data_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gdpyc", "data") _map_type = None _maps = []
[docs] @classmethod def show_maps(cls): """ Show available maps. """ print("Available maps:") for key, value in cls._maps.items(): print("- {} ({})".format(key, value))
[docs] @classmethod def plot_map(cls, map_name, plotname=None): """ Full-sky plot (mollweide projection) of the map. **Note:** this method needs ``healpy`` and ``matplotlib``. Parameters ---------- map_name : ``str`` Name of the map to be plotted. Use ``show_maps`` method to see a list of all available maps. plotname : ``str`` or ``None``, optional Name of the file where the plot will be saved. If ``None``, the plot is shown but not saved. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- plot : ``numpy.ndarray`` 2D numpy array with the plot. """ import healpy as hp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cls._check_map(map_name) hpmapfile = "{}_{}_healpix_lowres.fits".format(cls._map_type, map_name) hpmapfile = os.path.join(cls._data_path, hpmapfile) hpmap = hp.read_map(hpmapfile) title = "{} ({})".format(map_name, cls._maps[map_name]) if cls._map_type == "h1_nh": unit_label = "cm-2" minval, maxval = 1e19, 3e22 else: unit_label = "mag" minval, maxval = 0, hpmap.max() plot = hp.mollview( hpmap, title=title, norm="hist", min=minval, max=maxval, unit=unit_label, return_projected_map=True, ) if plotname is None: else: plt.savefig(plotname) return plot
[docs] @classmethod def unseen_pixels(cls, map_name, hires=False): """ Returns a list of UNSEEN healpix pixels contained in `map_name`. Parameters ---------- map_name : ``str`` Name of the map to be plotted. Use ``show_maps`` method to see a list of all available maps. hires : ``boolean``, optional Use high resolution map. If the map is not available locally, it is downloaded. Defaults to ``False``. """ hpmap, nside, _ = cls._load_map(map_name, hires) unseen_pixels = np.where(np.isnan(hpmap))[0] npixels = len(unseen_pixels) if npixels: bad_area = npixels * nside_to_pixel_area(nside).to(u.deg ** 2) print( "{} contains {} UNSEEN pixels ({})".format(map_name, npixels, bad_area) ) return unseen_pixels
@classmethod def _load_map(cls, map_name, hires=False): # Load healpix map for map_name. # If hires is True and the map is not locally available, # it is downloaded. cls._check_map(map_name) if hires: resolution = "hires" else: resolution = "lowres" hmapfile = "{}_{}_healpix_{}.fits".format(cls._map_type, map_name, resolution) hmapfile = os.path.join(cls._data_path, hmapfile) if hires and not os.path.isfile(hmapfile): print("High resolution map is not locally available.") print("Downloading {} map...".format(map_name)) cls._download_map(map_name) with as hdu: nside = hdu[1].header["NSIDE"] order = hdu[1].header["ORDERING"] hpmap = hdu[1].data.field(0) hpmap[hpmap == -1.6375e30] = np.nan # Mask UNSEEN pixels as nan return hpmap, nside, order @classmethod def _download_map(cls, map_name): from .data import get_map get_map(map_name, cls._data_path) @classmethod def _interpolate(cls, coords, hpmap, nside, order): hp = HEALPix(nside=nside, order=order, frame=Galactic()) i = hp.interpolate_bilinear_skycoord(coords, hpmap) if np.any(np.isnan(i)): warnings.warn( "Result contains NaN values corresponding to UNSEEN coordinates.", AstropyWarning, ) return i @classmethod def _check_map(cls, map_name): if map_name not in cls._maps.keys(): message = "Map {} unknown!\nAvailable maps: {}" raise ValueError(message.format(map_name, cls._maps.keys()))
[docs]class GasMap(Map): """ Class for HI maps. """ _map_type = "h1_nh" _maps = { "DL": "Dickey & Lockman 1990, Ann. Rev. A&A, 28, 215", "LAB": "Kalberla et al. 2005, A&A, 440, 775", "HI4PI": "HI4PI Collaboration et al. 2016, A&A, 594, A116", }
[docs] @classmethod def nh(cls, coords, nhmap="LAB", hires=False): """ Hydrogen column density in the line-of-sight of `coords`, using LAMBDA healpix maps [1]_. Parameters ---------- coords : ``SkyCoord`` Astropy SkyCoord object with the line-of-sight coordinates. nhmap : ``str``, optional Name of the HI survey. Use ``show_maps`` method to see a list of all available maps. Defaults to 'LAB'. hires : ``boolean``, optional Use high resolution map. If the map is not available locally, it is downloaded. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- nh : ``Quantity`` An Astropy Quantity object with shape like `coords`, in cm**-2. References ---------- .. [1] """ nh_hpmap, nside, order = cls._load_map(nhmap, hires=hires) nh = cls._interpolate(coords, nh_hpmap, nside, order) return nh << ** -2
[docs] @classmethod def nhtotal(cls, coords, hires=False): """ Total Hydrogen column density (NHI + 2NH2) in the line-of-sight of `coords`, using Willingale's method [2]_. Parameters ---------- coords : ``SkyCoord`` Astropy SkyCoord object with the line-of-sight coordinates. hires : ``boolean``, optional Use high resolution maps. If the map is not available locally, it is downloaded. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- nhtotal : ``Quantity`` An Astropy Quantity object with shape like `coords`, in cm**-2. References ---------- .. [2] Willingale et al. 2013, MNRAS, 431, 1. """ nHI = cls.nh(coords, nhmap="LAB", hires=hires) ebv = DustMap.ebv(coords, dustmap="SFD", hires=hires) nH2max = 7.3e20 * ** -2 Nc = 3.0e20 * ** -2 alpha = 1.1 nH2 = nH2max * (1 - np.exp(-nHI * ebv / Nc)) ** alpha return nHI + 2 * nH2
[docs] @classmethod def nhf(cls, coords, nhmap="LAB", radius=1.0 * u.deg): """ Hydrogen column density in the line-of-sight of `coords`, using HEASoft fits images (resolution of 0.675 x 0.675 deg) [3]_ and method. Parameters ---------- coords : ``SkyCoord`` Astropy SkyCoord object with the line-of-sight coordinates. nhmap : ``str``, optional Name of the HI survey. Use ``show_maps`` method to see a list of all available maps. Defaults to 'LAB'. radius : ``Quantity``, optional Radius of the circle around `coords` where the nH value is averaged. An Astropy angular Quantity object, consistent with degrees. Returns ------- nh : ``Quantity`` An Astropy Quantity object with shape like `coords`, in cm**-2.. References ---------- .. [3] Original fits files created by K. Kuntz (LAB) and Steve Snowden (DL). """ if nhmap not in ["LAB", "DL"]: raise ValueError("Only LAB and DL maps are available") radius = if radius > 3: raise ValueError("radius must be <= 3 deg!!!") hmapfile = "{}_{}_heasoft.fits".format(cls._map_type, nhmap) hmapfile = os.path.join(cls._data_path, hmapfile) hmapimage = fits.getdata(hmapfile) wcs = WCS(hmapfile) # If coords is not an array of coordinates, change to a list try: len(coords) except TypeError: coords = np.array([coords]) # TODO: vectorize this loop # numpy iterator for preserving the shape of coords in nh nh = np.empty_like(coords) it = np.nditer(coords, flags=["multi_index", "refs_ok"]) while not it.finished: nh[it.multi_index] = cls._nhftools( coords[it.multi_index], hmapimage, wcs, radius ) it.iternext() if len(nh) == 1: nh = float(nh) return nh * ** -2
@classmethod def _nhftools(cls, center_sky, image, wcs, radius=1.0): """ Quick and dirty python implementation of ftool's nh """ # Select a 3 x 3 deg subimage (default in ftool's nh) box_pixcoord = cls._subimage(center_sky, wcs, size=3.0) # Select only pixels with non-zero values to avoid border effects out_mask = image[box_pixcoord.y, box_pixcoord.x] > 0 # Estimate sky distance of each pixel (in deg) to center box_skycoord = box_pixcoord.to_sky(wcs) distance = np.empty_like(box_skycoord) distance[out_mask] = box_skycoord[out_mask].separation(center_sky) distance[~out_mask] = -99 # Select pixels within radius good_mask = np.logical_and(distance <= radius, distance > 0) good_nh = image[box_pixcoord[good_mask].y, box_pixcoord[good_mask].x] # Estimate weights weights = (radius - distance[good_mask]) / radius if len(weights): nh = np.sum(good_nh * weights) / weights.sum() else: message = ( "No points are within {} deg from input position. " "First good point is at distance {} deg" ) message = message.format(radius, distance[out_mask].min()) warnings.warn(message, AstropyWarning) nh = np.nan return nh @staticmethod def _subimage(center_sky, wcs, size=3.0): center_x, center_y = center_sky.to_pixel(wcs) npixtot = size / wcs.wcs.cdelt[1] # Box limits fpix_x = int(np.round(center_x - (npixtot - 1) / 2.0)) fpix_y = int(np.round(center_y - (npixtot - 1) / 2.0)) lpix_x = int(np.round(center_x + (npixtot - 1) / 2.0)) lpix_y = int(np.round(center_y + (npixtot - 1) / 2.0)) xbox = np.arange(fpix_x, lpix_x + 1) ybox = np.arange(fpix_y, lpix_y + 1) # Define box within the pixel limits of the fits image naxis2, naxis1 = wcs.array_shape mask_x = np.logical_and(xbox >= 0, xbox < naxis1) mask_y = np.logical_and(ybox >= 0, ybox < naxis2) # Grid of pixel coordinates for the subimage grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xbox[mask_x], ybox[mask_y]) return PixCoord(x=grid_x, y=grid_y)
[docs]class DustMap(Map): """ Class for dust maps. """ _map_type = "dust_ebv" _maps = { "SFD": "Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis 1998, ApJ, 500, 2", "Planck13": "Planck Collaboration et al. 2013, A&A, 571, A11", }
[docs] @classmethod def ebv(cls, coords, dustmap="SFD", hires=False): """ E(B - V) in the line-of-sight of `coords`. Parameters ---------- coords : ``SkyCoord`` Astropy SkyCoord object with the line-of-sight coordinates. dustmap : ``str``, optional Name of the dust survey. Use ``show_maps`` method to see a list of all available maps. Defaults to 'SFD'. hires : ``boolean``, optional Use high resolution map. If the map is not available locally, it is downloaded. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- ebv : ``float`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` Float, or numpy array with shape like `coords`. """ ebv_hpmap, nside, order = cls._load_map(dustmap, hires=hires) ebv = cls._interpolate(coords, ebv_hpmap, nside, order) return ebv
[docs] @classmethod def extinction(cls, coords, dustmap="SFD", filters="default", hires=False): """ Galactic extinction in the line-of-sight of `coords` for the bandpasses defined in `filters`. If there are N coords and M filters, returns an astropy table of shape N x M. **Note:** E(B - V) to extinction conversion coefficients were estimated in [4]_ for the SFD map [5]_. Using this method with a different dust map is possible, but obtaining accurate values is highly unlikely. Parameters ---------- coords : ``SkyCoord`` Astropy SkyCoord object with the line-of-sight coordinates. dustmap : ``str``, optional Name of the dust survey. Use ``show_maps`` method to see a list of all available maps. Defaults to 'SFD'. filters : ``str`` or ``list``, optional List of the filters (or, equivalently, a single string with comma separated filters). Use ``show_filters`` method to see a list of all available maps. If filters is 'default', returns extinction for the five SDSS bands (u, g, r, i, z). Defaults to 'default'. hires : ``boolean``, optional Use high resolution map. If the map is not available locally, it is downloaded. Defaults to ``False``. Returns ------- ext : ``Table`` Astropy Table with the extinction values at `coords` for each selected filter. References ---------- .. [4] Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011, ApJ, 737, 2, 103. .. [5] Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis 1998, ApJ, 500, 2. """ list_filters = cls._parse_filters(filters) ebv = cls.ebv(coords, dustmap=dustmap, hires=hires) aebv = cls._ebv_to_ext(list_filters) if dustmap != "SFD": warnings.warn( "Extinction for a dust map other than SFD.\n" "Results are not reliable!!!", AstropyWarning, ) if isinstance(ebv, np.ndarray): ext = np.matmul(ebv[:, np.newaxis], aebv[np.newaxis, :]) else: ext = ebv * aebv return Table(ext, names=list_filters)
[docs] @classmethod def show_filters(cls, lambda_eff=False): """ List of the available filters in the S&F conversion table [4]_. Parameters ---------- lambda_eff : ``boolean``, optional If ``True``, also returns the effective wavelength of each filter. Deafults to ``False``. """ aebv = cls._load_sfcoeff() if lambda_eff: return aebv["filter"], aebv["lambda_eff"] else: return aebv["filter"]
@classmethod def _ebv_to_ext(cls, filters): # Conversion coefficients from E(B - V) to extinction in `filters`. good_filters = cls.show_filters() for f in filters: if f not in good_filters: raise ValueError("Unknown filter: {}".format(f)) aebv = cls._load_sfcoeff() sortidx = list(range(len(filters))) filters = Table([filters, sortidx], names=["filter", "sortidx"]) sfcoeff_filters = join(filters, aebv, keys=["filter"], join_type="left") sfcoeff_filters.sort("sortidx") return np.array(sfcoeff_filters["AEBV2"]) # AEBV2 assumes RV = 3.1 @classmethod def _load_sfcoeff(cls): # Load conversion coefficients from the SFD maps of E(B - V) to # extinction in several bandpasses, by Schlafly and Finkbeiner (2011). sfcoeff = os.path.join(cls._data_path, "sfcoeff.fits") return, format="fits") @classmethod def _parse_filters(cls, filters): if isinstance(filters, str): if filters == "default": filters = "SDSS_u, SDSS_g, SDSS_r, SDSS_i, SDSS_z" list_filters = filters.replace(" ", "").split(",") else: list_filters = filters return list_filters