Source code for

Gas and Dust Python Calculator.

Module for downloading and processing
the HEALpix maps used in gdpyc.
import os

import pkg_resources
from import fits
from import get_readable_fileobj

[docs]def download_map(url, data_dir, filename=None): if filename is None: filename = os.path.basename(url) filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, filename) with get_readable_fileobj(url, encoding="binary") as fs, open(filepath, "wb") as fd: fd.write( return filepath
[docs]def parse_DL(mapfile, outfile): with as hdu: header = hdu[1].header nhmap = hdu[1].data.field(0) # Flag negative values as UNSEEN in healpix convention nhmap[nhmap < 0] = -1.6375e30 header["INDXSCHM"] = "IMPLICIT" col1 = fits.Column(name="TEMPERATURE", format="D", array=nhmap) chdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( fits.ColDefs([col1]), header=header, name="LAB" ) chdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
[docs]def parse_LAB(mapfile, outfile): # The original file contains a temperature map, # it has to be transformed to nH. with as hdu: header = hdu[1].header tmap = hdu[1].data.field(0) nchannels = hdu[1].data.field(1) # Optically thin approximation from Eq.3, Dickey & Lockman 1990. # The integral is approximated by <T>*nchannels*dv # tmap and nchannels are both nrows x 1024 arrays # 1.823e18 nhmap = 1.8224e18 * tmap * nchannels * 1.030571969 nrows, ncols = nhmap.shape col1 = fits.Column( name="TEMPERATURE", format="D", array=nhmap.reshape(nrows * ncols) ) chdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( fits.ColDefs([col1]), header=header, name="LAB" ) chdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
[docs]def parse_HI4PI(mapfile, outfile): # The original fits file has 5 columns (HPXINDEX, RA2000, # DEC2000, GLON, GLAT, NHI). Keep only NHI. with as hdu: header = hdu[1].header nhmap = hdu[1].data.field(5) # Flag negative values as UNSEEN in healpix convention nhmap[nhmap < 0] = -1.6375e30 header["INDXSCHM"] = "IMPLICIT" col1 = fits.Column(name="TEMPERATURE", format="D", array=nhmap) chdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( fits.ColDefs([col1]), header=header, name="HI4PI" ) chdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
[docs]def parse_Planck13(mapfile, outfile): # The original fits file has 8 columns. Keep only EBV. with as hdu: header = hdu[1].header dustmap = hdu[1].data.field("EBV") col1 = fits.Column(name="TEMPERATURE", format="D", array=dustmap) chdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( fits.ColDefs([col1]), header=header, name="Planck13" ) chdu.writeto(outfile, overwrite=True)
[docs]def get_map(maplabel, data_dir): maps = { "DL": "", "LAB": "", "HI4PI": "", "SFD": "", "Planck13": "", } filename = "{}_{}_healpix_hires.fits" if maplabel == "DL": mapfile = download_map(maps[maplabel], data_dir) newmapfile = os.path.join(data_dir, filename.format("h1_nh", maplabel)) parse_DL(mapfile, newmapfile) os.remove(mapfile) elif maplabel == "LAB": mapfile = download_map(maps[maplabel], data_dir) newmapfile = os.path.join(data_dir, filename.format("h1_nh", maplabel)) parse_LAB(mapfile, newmapfile) os.remove(mapfile) elif maplabel == "HI4PI": mapfile = download_map(maps[maplabel], data_dir) newmapfile = os.path.join(data_dir, filename.format("h1_nh", maplabel)) parse_HI4PI(mapfile, newmapfile) os.remove(mapfile) elif maplabel == "SFD": mapfile = filename.format("dust_ebv", maplabel) download_map(maps[maplabel], data_dir, mapfile) elif maplabel == "Planck13": mapfile = download_map(maps[maplabel], data_dir) newmapfile = os.path.join(data_dir, filename.format("dust_ebv", maplabel)) parse_Planck13(mapfile, newmapfile) os.remove(mapfile) else: raise ValueError("Unknown map: {}".format(maplabel))
[docs]def degrade_map(mapfile, order=6): import healpy as hp newmapfile = mapfile.replace("_hires.fits", "_lowres.fits") hpmap = hp.read_map(mapfile) hpmap_low = hp.ud_grade(hpmap, 2 ** order) hp.write_map(newmapfile, hpmap_low, fits_IDL=False, overwrite=True)
[docs]def get_lowres_maps(data_dir): maps = ["DL", "LAB", "HI4PI", "SFD", "Planck13"] mapfile = os.path.join(data_dir, "{}_{}_healpix_hires.fits") for key in maps: if key == "SFD" or key == "Planck13": degrade_map(mapfile.format("dust_ebv", key)) else: degrade_map(mapfile.format("h1_nh", key))
[docs]def main(): data_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gdpyc", "data") # get_map('HI4PI', data_dir) # get_map('DL', data_dir) # get_map('LAB', data_dir) # get_map('SFD', data_dir) # get_map('Planck13', data_dir) get_lowres_maps(data_dir)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()